Sunday, July 31, 2005

'You are lovely, goodbye'

Just rang up faults because my phone is screening all calls. I am such a naypals that it has probably been this way for months. The phone rings once and then cuts out, so then I have to ring all my friends and some family members and ask them sheepishly 'Did you just call?' And then I feel stink that they didn't and then they don't believe me when I explain the problem and think I am just desperate to get someone to talk to me. So I ring up the faults people and explain the problem and they make me hang up and try to ring me. And guess what? They couldn't get through. So I rang them back up and said - I am the guy with the broken phone that you just tried to ring, and they say - Oh yes it is broken. I don't say I already knew that. I am tempted to ask if they can look on some screen and see when the last call actually got through ... but I fear I will to be too depressed by the result. Anywhoo they are sending some guy tomorrow to leave a note on my door to arrange a time when I have to be here to let them in .... What the? Why can't we just organise a time now? Its not the way things are done here... Okay. End of business part of phonecall. And then the faults woman says 'You are lovely, enjoy the rest of your day'. I told her she was lovely and I am sure that she will enjoy herself as much as I, though I am pretty sure I won't be disturbed, at the very least.

Oh word count still zero.


Blogger bitchphd said...

My word count is zero too.

5:18 PM  

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