Friday, July 15, 2005


A couple of days ago I legitmately left town and went to the big city and researched stuff including my sister's birthday present, met with the big city academic types and confirmed my little schedule of special guest star lectures down there. But best of all I ran into two old friends. Saw Drew at the third best coffee shop in town. Have seen him once since I moved to Palmengrad. He is a very huggy guy and I kinda like being bear-hugged by him because he is so big and solid. I miss his ex-wife. She ran off to Auckland to get away from his partying, and now shares a house with her sister and parties with her dj brother in-law.

Later, I saw Damage across the street, and kinda snuck away, but he caught me and he was very excited to see me. He misses his wife, who is holidaying in Sweden with their son. Damage is the most handsome man I know who knows my name, but as I have said before one of the most disturbing flatmates I have ever had the pleasure of living with.

I guess the thing that surprised me was the excitement they registered on seeing me. I guess I assumed that I had been refiled in their mental rolodex or whatever from friend to old acquainatnace. Though, I guess, particularly with my male friends I can never tell what I might mean to them.


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