Sunday, July 03, 2005

If I had a school bag I would write 'The Accelerants Rock" on it*

I forgot to mention that I saw one of the other Ludos on the telly (look in the may 2004 archive). His CD finally came out and it is muy fantastico. Yes rock n roll like all the other hipsters are doing but with a much more sixties rythm to it. He was interviewed by the lovely Jane Yee and spoke so softly that it was quite charming depsite the bitchy things he had to say ... his wife leaving the band and his passive agressive plan to kick the other guitarist out. He came right at the end and was truly truly charming. So much so that J.Y said that he was in her top 5 .... of what she did not say ... Despite this ambiguity I did something which I am ashamed to admit, I waved at the television in excitement. I do in fact wave at the television quite often, particularly at cute old people, but as they say, it is nice to have a hobby.

Anyway, I am glad that one of the other Ludos is getting it together. It took him 2 years, a broken marriage, the methadone program and ther assorted shit to get his music out there, and me I am so proud of him that I think you should indulge me that telly wave.

When I was first at university many many years ago my friend AH had a crush on this guy because he had VU written on his bag. He of course was then referred to as VU guy when we logged in our sightings of him .... can you say stalker-enabling....
Many years later I met him at a work do. A mutual acquaintance tried to introduce me and I said 'Oh no, we have met before, your name is ...' and of course the letter names V and U started coming out of my mouth and there are no known names that begin with that sound sequence ... so tried to segue into the nearest name I could think of and so Viiii Uuuu became Viii uuuuuuaghan. And you know it, it turned out to be right.
Enough already


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