Wednesday, July 13, 2005

we all learn in spite of our teachers

I have just had the dubious experience of marking my high school teacher's assignments. Hmm how the worm turns, and how inauthentic the whole experience made me feel. Though she did piss me off when she chose not to be able to interpret they as gender neutral singular pronoun. Also cringing from the recalled memory of me and my friend J Mary being so foulmouthed brats to this poor woman.

A while back I found some notes that JM wrote to me when we were at school. Luckily they are all incomprehensible now, with the private language we developed that included verlan, latin and little tricksy semantic inversions - the little magpies of language that we were. Untranslatable now, but I imagine embarrassing adolescent stuff about not being invited to parties and hating this poor guy called Ian.


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