Sunday, July 31, 2005

I left out the whole point

I watched the news and no one else seems to have seen the flying thing, so I guess I am going mental. Oh well. Oh and I forgot the entire point of the ghost thing. I noticed in the credits that it was produced by someone who rejected someone I know's proposal for a very similar show. Said the population wasn't interested in that sort of thing anymore. Isn't that spooky?

My friends' version was going to star ... well in least one episode ... my friend R. He used to live in a house with two ghostly ladies who every night would walk up the stairs talking and go into the other bedroom. He seems to be a ghost magnet as before that he used to live in a house with a gay ghost that would get into bed with him .... Apparently he would pull R out of the way because he liked to sleep next to the wall. R never explained how he knew that the ghost was a 'he'. Maybe he felt something pressing against his back when they were spooning.

And word count for article? Zero.


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