Monday, July 12, 2004

back in the NZSR

I guess I was lying about the socialist republic part in the title, but hey what coulda been, eh.
So I am cold and in some ways glad to be back, but today has really pissed me off. Viktor slipped out of writing me a receipt which means I have to pay for my accommodation, and I lost my phone somewhere on the way to the airport... between the airport and the plane... had it taken out of my bags by cusotm controllers at Vila, honestly I zipped it in in Vila and when I got here it was gone. Damn now I have to shell out for a new one and pay off my glasses and blah blah blah...
back to work tomorrow oh hurrah for that. Bring back the dogs baying at the moon, which woke up the roosters who woke up the non-moonstruck dogs which woke up the other roosters. Vila! all is forgiven.
Still it was nice to see my little house with the postbox jammed with pizza flyers. Speaking of which....


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