Thursday, June 17, 2004

billeted in hell

Here's something you've probably never read anywhere else. I hate my boss. I wish I could say that in a way which was unique and edifying to you, dear reader, but I guess it is what is, i.e. a whine. My boss is not an expert in the filed over which he lords it. So he he makes these sweeping judgements, and these far reach decisions about my career without really knowing what I do. When I put this out to him, he acts liek I am bullying him or being disloyal. I just want you know a fair deal.

In other news the cleaning I slaved over to please my sister on her inaugural visit to this shithole town, was all in vain. She barely commented on the house at all, she was instead completely shocked by the kingdom of dullness she found herself in. We played a good game called 'crimes against humanity' which was basically trashing the local architecture, low mean spirited looking cottages with acres of what are locally known as granny flats out the back to make a quick buck out of students, migrants and whatever other unfortunates get washed up here in the Paris of the....

To tell the truth her visit did not go that well. I was on edge the whole time, and actually got quite angry with her. It was stupid. I know what she is like and I should just accept it. She is perfectly happy the way she is, so I shouldn't react to her overly direct manner. Lots of silences and feigned tiredness. It was fun though and unexpected to go to the pub with her and watch the footie. And we share a fondess for reality tv, something I never expected from her. I have the excuse of saying that is sanctioned lingusitic eavesdropping. Oh well, we are both so different and yet both Capricorns!


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