Saturday, October 23, 2004

lost files of atlantis

Wouldn't you know it, I'm procrastinating again. I am about to begin search for crucial file that appears to have disappeared. It knows that I have to hand it in to research team leader in oh about three weeks and if lost permanently it will mean rewriting in record time, while I have several kizillion things to organise for fieldtrip including signing up for Larium which will of course drive much closer to paranoia and psychosis than anyone really needs to be. Put that on top of possble culture shock, and the no-way-out weather patterns of the island, and I fear runs amok at circumcision festival type headlines.

I am also suffering a mild case of rejection. I thought I hadn't put much store in it in the first place, but apparently... My first reaction was to disregard the kindly tone of rejecter and really launch into him about ... and then I stopped and realised that these were all assumptions of mine anyway, and then I really thought to hell with it... What's so wrong with bitter... Ah well these wounds shall heal, shallow as they are and there is the work to be done... the consolation of philology ... meh...

On a lighter note, E and M have asked me to be the Godfather of the imminent arrival, I was so taken aback that I didn't negotiate the conditions of my acceptance, i.e., middle naming rights. But thrilled, nevertheless. This brings the godfamily to two. Unfortunately neither will be living that close to me for a while. Speaking of babies Jasper will be returning from Sweden with his insanely beautiful mother and my old flatmate, Damage who will raising him up for a life of entitlement... He's a nice guy though, but a disturbing flatmate. Once in a bar, he told me how he often used to have wetdreams about me, hmmm, and then having warmed up with that one, preceded to confessing to masturbating every morning in the shower. Now I take privacy issues seriously.. as the post below illustrates ... but perhaps the other flatmates should have been warned... He also used to just get up in the middle of the night and knock on the female flatmates' doors on the offchance that they might be needing some sex, which sounds very unselfish of him, but he was actually partnered with one of them anyway.... Thinking about it, it is now obvious that it was his desire to maintain separate rooms not R's all along. Subsequently the women used to wake up in the middle of the night and go in sleep in twos for mutual defence. Sounds like a French farce with a corridor of ten bedroom doors... If they had read Moliere (forgive missing diacritic) or even Shakespeare I guess Rachel and the other four could have performed a bedtrick on Damage unfortunately all lawyers with narrow reading habits New Weekly, People, Court circulars, that sort of thing ... I make him sound like some hideous mastabatory wanna be predator, but he is actually an acutely charming boy, and his international lawyering on behalf of the whales offsets these foibles...

Oh well the search should begin, I am predicting tears.... Or perhaps going for a swim.


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