Thursday, October 07, 2004

Well, well and unwell

So I received a comment.My first. And from Prof B. My hero. I know I know I can hear Bertolt in my head - Unhappy the land that needs heroes. Still words of encouragement are always good.. Though I would hate the good professor to get the blame if I now unleash a torrent of whining... Could there be more you ask - about my doomed sexlife, this hideous town and this ridiculous job.

Have actually got quite a bit of work done today, despite the fact that the flu which seems to have been waiting in the wings for weeks is about to grab the spotlight. But I promised myself that I would work hard last night but succumbed to couch and takeaways after explaining online a particularly intricate and elegant theory which is usually accompanied by complicated diagrams which we had to just keep in our heads I felt extraordinarily ... over it. I shall do some tonight. I promise I will lock out the TV, home to all my friends, and turn off the phone, it actually now rings, which has brought great relief to the market researchers.


Blogger bitchphd said...

it actually now rings, which has brought great relief to the market researchers. LOL. God, I know what you mean.

Re comments, you must link!! Link, my boy!!!

Whining = good. I started out whining. Have you read my archives? Lord. And hey, it's cathartic. And then other people whine and it starts to all become just ludicrously funny, in a bitter sort of way.

Or you could start sex-chatting. I'm totally completely not kidding. See if you can find a nice man who'll buy you a plane ticket.

I'm sorry, I'm being flip (but not about sex-chat). I hate my hideous town, too, but I do have la familia to keep me company here. I feel bad for you. You need a vacation.

And thanks for the kind words. I'm a shitty hero, but thanks.

3:06 PM  

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