Sunday, November 14, 2004

ka kite ano

Well it was the last weekend here in Palmengrad before the big FW. And I sad to say I was really hoping to get laid, as I am about to embark on a five month stint of celibacy.... Cheers to that... Still I might get lucky tomorrow night in the big city if I can track down one of my exes, but since we are 'good friends' now we both sometimes find it hard to believe that we used to .. .. so that might not be the go.

I am semi-prepared for this trip. Still have a lot of last minute shopping to do, but it is the mental preparation that I am more worried about. I can't say I am looking forward to this, even though I know I will survive. At least I convinced the doctor not to give me larium for the malaria... but five months of anti biotics doesn't thrill me either.

So the 'flatmate' returns today with his guest from the UK, apparently who is in love with him, though that's not going to happen... This guy needs to wake up to himself...

There seems to be a lot of talk on the internets (ha ha) about gay marriage being a victim of the election. Can't argue with that, but I find the way Americans talk about such matters confusing. If I read it right, and maybe I didn't b/c I've been up since 6 cleaning, that one strategy is to change the argument from one about rights to about fairness. I can't seem to separate the two.

I can't be bothered phrasing anything about it I'm afraid. I might do some more mindless cleaning instead. Oh well if you don't hear from for a while, happy holidays and all that


Blogger bitchphd said...

There isn't a real difference except that "fairness" often boils down to concrete examples, while "rights" is an abstraction. And it's harder to say that you don't think people should be allowed to see their partners in the hospital, say, than it is to say that you don't believe in "special rights."

Hope the field work isn't as miserable as you seem to anticipate. At least it should get you away from the roommate...

2:32 PM  

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