Saturday, October 30, 2004

Oh boy host again

I've grown a flatmate. I didn't want to... I wasn't trying to but I have. I am putting it down to intercultural communication difficulties. The guy who is kind of subleasing my house when I am on fieldwork turned up the other day and said he was dropping off some stuff... Okay I thought he has to be some place for the next few days so he is just preparing in advance.... something I admire in others but off course cannot pull off myself. Then later that night, just when I singing along to embarrasing country music records... I listen to country records until the morning.... name that quote... and I had left the front door open and he was just stanfing there behind me with yet more stuff, and I thought well he has a lot of stuff. And then we talk for a while, quite a while... and he smokes my cigarettes... which many non-smokers seem to think is a sociable thing to do with a smoker. It is not. It is taking up a valuable resource, especially that late at night when the only way to get more is to walk miles to the nearest service station. And I think well he is being sociable... a social smoker... and then he says well I think I'll go to bed now... And then I think God when was the last time I changed the sheets in the spare room and all that host stuff that I shoulda attended to long time before....

Hmm he's gone again today, but he'll be back...

Before he went to bed he did this odd little show and tell with a gift that he was given some time ago. It was a clock that stood on some base, oh a and a thermometer too, and probably a barometer ... do non-meteorologists really know what it means when the atmospheric pressure changes?... Anyway when you turn the base the clock tells the time from many many international cities... which he demonstrated ... New York... Moscow.... Sydney.... Bangkok. I have a week of this.


Blogger bitchphd said...

It's a karmic plot to make the field work seem attractive by comparison?

4:49 AM  

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