Thursday, December 01, 2005

Ludovic goes to court

My favourite part was the lottery barrel with all our names in it. We jurors were ushered in the new courtroom where there were not enough seats for all the potential jurors. We had watched a video telling us about our great duty and responsibility and we all waited silently for our names to be pulled out of from the bottome of the barrell and walk towards the jury box. We knew that on that meaningful walk to municipal duty we could be challenged by the lawyers for the way we looked they way we walked our genders our percieved dispositions towards empathy, and that if we made it to our seats before the lawyers called out we would be impanelled and given the mammoth task of doling out justice.

My name never got called the seats got filled before I came out of the barrell. Only two people were challenged, the only two in the possibles that were not clearly middle class and well groomed. We were told in the video not to take it personally, but well why wouldn't you. The woman was already bending down to sit when the crown challenged her, and you could see shame flicker across her face for a moment and then relief and realisation that she could get on with whatever the day usually held for her.

Yes, justice or lady liberty or Astraea whatever you wanna call her, she's not bling she's faking it.


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