Thursday, August 05, 2004

my mission to missionary

Well the timetable to this bloody conference has finally been set. I feel like I am doing the whole thing, though I did get a note from my boss explaining why she has not been at all with it over the last few days. I am down in Wellie now, and have just been to the National Archives to ready the steamy heh heh diary of the nineteenth century missionary to my village. His christian fervour and his belief in his 'good works' just comes across a hundred years later as arrogance. I am hoping to make a copy and translate it for the village as they have very hazy history of this period. I am hoping that the diary will explain exactly where the people who became the community came from as they all say they lived up in the mountains. This could explain why there territory is surrounded by land owned by families that they now dominate.
Am giving a lecture down here today. It should go okay as I have give it a few times before, but that tends to mean I try to wing it without re-preparing.

tried to catch up with the beautiful Jess, but she was in a meeting I could see her nodding her head wisely with her dark long hair. Oh well away away ... fly my pretties


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