Wednesday, August 11, 2004

apologies, blossom

okay so I have been using the blog to rant and vent... I know that's no crime but perhaps a little dull to read. So I shall try here to say something nice about something... umm... Dawn was beautiful this morning. It has since clouded over and started to rain... Okay that didn't work, what about some things I like about the world....
I like men who carry handkerchiefs.
people who eat apples in the street.
seeing people's clothes caught in car doors. That always makes me laugh.

This morning on the way to work I saw this female jogger running in her sport bra and knickers and I am sorry but I really think that is just attention seeking. It was about 9 degrees this morning so I can't believe that she was that sweaty/hot... Whatever to warrant running through the city streets in her nike-flavoured underwear.... Okay so that is off the topic of nice things...

I have some Daphne in a vase on my desk. It smells beautiful. It reminds me of my mum.

Okay clearly positivity isn't working out for me today. I am giving a lecture at my old institution tomorrow so I may go down there tonight and hang out that should cheer me up.
So once again I apologize (to myself) about the lack of interesting/charming/heartwarming moments inthis entry or any other recent posts ...

Newsflash the wind just blew the blossom off the cherry tree in front of my ofice window. after eddying the petals fell like pink snow just liek they might in a an eighties music video. Beauty... you just have to wait for it to happen


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