Sunday, June 11, 2006

at one with the birds

keeping with rural themes this weekend I went to a chicken breeding show, as you do. I thought it would be amusing, and it was for about 20 minutes. Sadly we stayed a little longer than that.
As a proud owner of a chicken, I was keen to confirm that my Putu who likes like a cross between a fowl and a vulture - a notable lack of neck feathers - is a special fancy breed. But alas there were no vulture chickens on display leaving me to assume that she is some special kin dof ugly island chicken. There were however chickens disguised as cushions, balls of cotton wools and miniature eagle-y looking ones - perhaps what Putu's breeders were going for?
I was also interested to see if the dog and their owner correlation also applied to poultry fanciers. But it seems that it does not - I saw no Edith Sitwell types clutching their hens or roosters ...

I took some photos for you ... though they are not so good ... the roosters wouldn't keep still ...

Let's say this one was intentionally blurred .... "rooster descending a stair"

There was luck would have it a pigeon fanciers' convention in the same building. I have always found it hard to imagine fancying a pigeon, but they have been manipulating the genes so long that some of them looked like Parisian models from the days of Elsa Schiaparelli


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