Thursday, March 16, 2006

its best not to eat salad while you type

my keyboard is a bit oily now ... and my spelling has always been slippery. Come to think of it, almost all of my clothes have either bleach stains ... mopping ... or olive oil stains ... salads ... Yes I am quite clumsy in a sort of awkwardly graceful way. So says Mary, my friend Ruth's mum.
But that is not what I came here to tell you about. I am in demand. I am being treated by an object. I'm loving it ... though also a little awkward and embarassing. You see, in the last two outings to the pub I have won around $120 in liquor. Now people I trying to bribe me to join their pub quiz teams. My team won't let me go though. Even though its not as much fun as it used to be without them. I am being held against my will. Help me I am a quiz-slave!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

cars and girls - life is all cars and girls

so words ... and it seems pictures have failed me of late. And nothing new to click on .... My newly discovered social life has unravelled now that Dr L's ex is back on the scene. I was trapped in a car with them for what seemed like eternity but was less than 20kms as they tried to provoke arguments with each other, betting the other would crack in front of the stranger ... It was me. I cracked. I almost jumped out of the car with the suffocation of being too close to other people's relationships.

It was on the way to a birthday party. A 15 year old's birthday party. Hosted by my friend, the BD boy's mother with special guest star ex-husband/father on bbq. We sat outside and drank and smoked while the youths played play station texted girls, watched rugby ate and had an undies race.

Sat there till 4am talking to a cool Maori/Samoan couple, while all that went on, oblivious. My friend - the mother is also pretty awesome so calm about solo parenting 4 boys ... and doing an awesome job at it while studying full time.

well blah blah blah and all that

our quizz team is defunct and I am going to the pub for all the traditional reasons!