Friday, April 29, 2005

Really long email titles annoy the hell out of me and cause prioritisation problems in the workplace, don't you think

Email is killing me. There were 1873 of the buggers when I returned from FW. And my boss has the habit of sending vital information in the title ofher emails. Consequently they have as long as fuck titles which my computer doesn't display past the first few words... consequently I have just missed a deadline for some admin bullshit stuff I had.....

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

home again

Ah the joys of home, flushing toilets, flavoursome food. The joys (ahem) of the academic environment.... hmm deadlines. House was kind of all in one piece, though my landlord replaced my excellent collection of art and sarcastic t-shirts with her middle class oooh I've been to the Louvre poster jobs. Unimpressed. Also chucked out? hid? all my toiletries. Nice.
Got back and celebrated the return to flavour by eating a curry... and came down with food poisoning. Is this karma darma or a poison man? Las two months in the village were great. I had a baby boy. Well my brother did but the kin system means that I too am his father. And he was given my name. In actual fact when talking to his mother, I must say "wife of my brother, is my name sleeping well", since I am not allowed to say his name and or her name aloud ever.
I have been invited to kill a pig with a stone in front of my brothers which will be a formal declaration of my membership of their clan. I will receive a new name and some pigmeat. I have to kill the poor porker with a single blow, something I have seen many times before, but not sure I can pull off with any aplomb.... Must practice before November.... but how?